Certificate expired when package AIR appication
Solution: Change your date and time formats on your computer to US format before create certificate file.
Add datetime in MySQL
Example: plus datetime 31 days;
- update table_name set datetime_field = ADDDATE(datetime_field, 31);
- update table_name set datetime_field = ADDDATE(datetime_field, -31);
Calculate DPI for Monitor
Use this formula.
dpi = sqrt(resolutionWidth ^ 2 + resolutionHeight ^ 2) / inches
dpi = sqrt(resolutionWidth ^ 2 + resolutionHeight ^ 2) / inches
Add KeyListener On Swing JPanel
Use code like this
JFrame frame = new JFrame();
JPanel pnl = new JPanel();
JFrame frame = new JFrame();
JPanel pnl = new JPanel();
How to minimize and restore Java Swing JFrame
1. Minimize -> use this method frame.setState ( Frame.ICONIFIED );
2. Restore -> use this method frame.setState ( Frame.NORMAL );
frame is instance of JFrame
2. Restore -> use this method frame.setState ( Frame.NORMAL );
frame is instance of JFrame
Add KeyListener on Java Swing JFrame
Use a code like this
AbstractAction act = new AbstractAction() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
//Action that you want to do.
getRootPane().getActionMap().put("nameThatYouWant", act);
InputMap im = getRootPane().getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW);
// KeyEvent.VK_F10 or any key that you want.
im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F10, 0), "nameThatYouWant");
AbstractAction act = new AbstractAction() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
//Action that you want to do.
getRootPane().getActionMap().put("nameThatYouWant", act);
InputMap im = getRootPane().getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW);
// KeyEvent.VK_F10 or any key that you want.
im.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F10, 0), "nameThatYouWant");
Install Flex Builder 2.0.1 on Vista
I'm try to install Flex Builder on Vista and found a problem that I don't know why this error happen after a few hours I find the solution at http://office.realeyesmedia.com/blogs/jun/?p=13 thank for that post it help me to solve problem.
How to:
1. Run cmd with admin.
2. Go to your home directory (c:\Users\yourname).
3. Run rmdir "My Documents".
4. Run mklink /d “My Documents” Pathtoyourdocument
How to:
1. Run cmd with admin.
2. Go to your home directory (c:\Users\yourname).
3. Run rmdir "My Documents".
4. Run mklink /d “My Documents” Pathtoyourdocument
DISPLAY error matplotlib
When error occur about this "$DISPLAY not set" when you run python code that use matplotlib this happened because your matplotlib backend is set to FltkAgg, GTK, GTKAgg, GTKCairo, TkAgg , Wx or WxAgg they required a GUI that why error occur.
To solve this you must specific other backend that not required GUI (Agg, Cairo, PS, PDF or SVG) when use matplotlib like this
Remember when call savefig('filename') don't give it extension this will handle by backend that you specific e.g Agg will create file filename.png
source from --> http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/backends.html
To solve this you must specific other backend that not required GUI (Agg, Cairo, PS, PDF or SVG) when use matplotlib like this
- In code
import matplotlib
- In command line use -d option
Remember when call savefig('filename') don't give it extension this will handle by backend that you specific e.g Agg will create file filename.png
source from --> http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/backends.html
Change import file size for phpMyAdmin
Charge this two variable in php.ini file.
- upload_max_filesize
- post_max_size
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